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313 results found Showing page 2 of 13

  • These CLO docs could be better
    It seems there’s not much to worry about if you’re in the CLO market. In Creditflux’s CLO Census, voters said docs should follow a template as Jefferies, AGL and Hayfin emerge as rising stars

    2 years ago
  • 2020 CLOs find redemption is sweet
    The believers have been vindicated with 2020 CLOs among the best-performing of all time by IRR. Even those that have been reset have been a success with par flushes making for huge equity distributions.

    3 years ago
  • Coronavirus tiers up old ranking script
    Forget everything you thought you knew about CLO manager tiers. Apollo and Blackstone are mainstays, but smaller, more nimble issuers are finding new ways to stand out from the crowd

    3 years ago
  • Woah, we’re halfway there
    Judging by the 2020 vintage, European CLO overlap is 50%. But varied approaches to holding bonds and the many loans managers turn down mean there are ways for issuers to outperform

    3 years ago
  • CLOs come up smelling of roses
    The coronavirus crisis could have cut back 10 years of CLO market progress, but investors’ foresight, trading chops and flexibility meant many saw their strategies blossom during 2020  

    3 years ago
  • Moving fast pays off for hedge funds
    2020 was an up and down year in credit, and credit hedge fund managers had to move quickly to capture opportunities from the dislocations that inevitably opened up

    3 years ago
  • At least 2020 wasn’t dreadful for CLOs
    Last year’s downturn was another in which CLOs survived and in many cases thrived as active management and Libor floors helped managers deliver 13%-plus returns to equity

    3 years ago
  • Elements work against CLO managers in Q3
    CLO equity distributions fell in Q3 largely due to factors, such as Libor mismatches, that CLO managers can’t control. But these headwinds could turn in favour of managers in the near future

    3 years ago
  • Relative value plays swell secondary
    The secondary CLO market has been revived this year as volumes shatter 2019 totals. Investors are finding that secondary values outweighs that in primary, with the added bonus of full portfolio disclosure

    3 years ago
  • Managers weigh up matters of principal
    CLO managers that were able to avoid OC traps made double-digit equity distributions in Q2, despite the headwinds. But these firms tended not to be among those that built the most par

    4 years ago
  • Trading places: it can pay to bet on the little guy
    It’s assumed investors know how good a CLO manager is by the rate at which they trade their way through a crisis. But this time fi ve small, nimble managers are outperforming the market

    4 years ago
  • Loan slump brings managers closer
    A 19% slide in new US loan volumes last year has left CLO managers with fewer options in the primary market, and portfolio overlap between US managers has increased to 35.3% on average

    4 years ago
  • Managers vie for trophies at new-look awards event
    The 2020 Creditflux Manager Awards will take on a fresh complexion as we transition to a virtual event. But some things will never change: our finalists have been assessed using data alone

    4 years ago
  • Credit pickers need luck to avoid OC trap
    We know what you’re thinking: is my CLO failing its OC test? The truth is, in all this volatility, it can be hard to keep track, unless your deal has high quality liquid loans


    4 years ago
  • Fund performance: Index tranche investors make it work from home
    March brought a drastic drop in return figures as covid-19 swept across the globe, as Orchard tops the Creditflux performance tables

    4 years ago
  • Anti-ageing elixir gives CLOs 10-year lifespan

    With resets and reissues often giving CLOs a decade of life, managers may soon issue 10-year reinvestment deals as they seek to cut reset fees and reduce the limitation of WAL tests

    5 years ago
  • Budge up, more new managers are coming

    Room for 10 more? The average loan overlap among recent European CLOs is 48.7% – so the expected influx of new managers will have to work hard to distinguish themselves from the pack 

    5 years ago
  • September: fund performance

    Corporate long-short funds regain their swagger after dip.

    5 years ago
  • Updated, upgraded and ready to launch
    Whether it’s a software update or a full-blown upgrade to a newer model, CLO technology is advancing fast, with Be-Spoke and Ellington the latest to launch new types of securitisations

    5 years ago
  • Still weighed down by 2015 oil price slump
    It’s three years since the depths of the oil crisis but offshore service companies — such as the helicopter businesses that transport workers to oil rigs — are not seeing lift-off in prices or profits

    5 years ago
  • Rolling the dice on Turkey and Italy
    Gambling specialists with operations around the Mediterranean are facing political risks and currency falls – but there are opportunities to hit the jackpot if investors play their cards right

    6 years ago
  • Loan managers can start to be selective

    The portfolio overlap in European CLOs — at roughly 45% — is 10% higher than in the US. But newcomers and smaller managers stand a good chance of differentiating themselves.

    6 years ago
  • Evolving strategy takes Norinchukin close to top spot in CLO investment
    Over the years, Nochu has tweaked its cov-lite stipulations, and added mid market and European CLO exposure to its CLO investments. It’s now nearly the market’s biggest investor  

    6 years ago
  • New rules encourage growth in blossoming risk sharing market
    Significant risk transfer deals have generally been issued towards the end of the year – but the first quarter of 2018 has opened with a flurry of deals across primary and secondary markets

    6 years ago
  • Aircraft lessors: gathering clouds lead to talk of turbulence
    Aircraft leasing companies have been cruising over the past two years as passenger numbers grew, but rising interest rates and trade tariff concerns are making some bondholders nervous

    6 years ago

313 results found Showing page 2 of 13

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