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30 results found Showing page 2 of 2

  • September: credit funds at a glance
    White Oak Global Advisors held a $2.1 billion final close on a new direct lending fund, while Phil Raciti's move from CVC Credit Partners to Halcyon Capital Management was one of the biggest moves in the credit industry

    5 years ago
  • Experienced CSAM holds off boutiques to win biggest prize
    Credit Suisse Asset Management became a two-time winner of the Creditflux Manager of the Year award last month after picking up the 2018 trophy in front of a packed house at London’s Landmark Hotel on 9 May

    6 years ago
  • A credit market in constant flux
    Since Creditflux's launch in 2001, we've reported on CLO evolution, trendy new products, regulatory U-turns, and, of course, crashes. Which, we wonder, is coming next?

    6 years ago
  • Managers predict skill will win out
    We asked managers to predict the year ahead across a range of credit strategies. Overall, they had a positive outlook. By Grace Jennings-Edquist

    6 years ago
  • Leading fund: Lupus Alpha CLO Opportunity Notes I
    Single-B CLO trades boost Lupus Alpha asset Management

    7 years ago

30 results found Showing page 2 of 2

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