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6 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • CLO top stack offers best value versus corp debt after junior tranche rally: Barclays
    Having lagged in the recent market recovery, CLO triple A paper looks attractive versus corporate investment grade and the CDX IG credit derivatives index

    2 years ago
  • It's all relative: Euro CLO mezz rallies to follow month-long IG/HY compression
    European credit suffered this week with Brexit talks between the UK and the EU dragging on and both sides conceding that a trade deal is unlikely to be reached by Sunday’s deadline. But European CLO tranches have held up reasonably well with mezzanine spreads tightening by almost 13% in December

    3 years ago
  • Europe leads corporate credit rally, but US outperforms in CLOs
    iTraxx Crossover has been the CDS market's outperformer this week, tightening over 30 basis points, or 11.4%, to trade at 235bp today. But in the CLO market, US deals have come out on top thanks to a BlackRock CLO that priced its double Bs at some of the tightest levels this year

    3 years ago
  • Credit markets adjust to stay-at-home rules
    Lockdown orders across the world have forced the loan and CLO markets to modernise certain industry practices at speed, leading to speculation that some of the emergency measures adopted could become permanent, according to market participants

    4 years ago
  • Last chance to get Crediflux newsletter delivered to your door
    The last few weeks have affected the way everyone goes about their daily routine. To make things slightly easier for our readership, we can send the April Creditflux newsletter to subscribers' home addresses - simply fill out the form

    4 years ago
  • Creditflux newsletter delivered to your door
    The last few weeks have affected the way everyone goes about their daily routine. To make things slightly easier for our readership, subcribers can receive the April Creditflux newsletter at their home addresses

    4 years ago

6 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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