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14 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Fund performance
    Good month for CLO funds sees six in top 10 as Axiom sets pace

    1 year ago
  • We can cope with downgrades again

    Having overcome one loan downgrade wave in 2020, the CLO market is now facing another. But this time CLOs are defensively positioned, and managers have a chance to adjust portfolios

    2 years ago
  • A fresh approach to loss distribution
    Considering how cash balances change over time, loss distribution models can look very different to conventional thinking. So is your CLO’s pricing based on incorrect assumptions?  

    2 years ago
  • Woah, we’re halfway there
    Judging by the 2020 vintage, European CLO overlap is 50%. But varied approaches to holding bonds and the many loans managers turn down mean there are ways for issuers to outperform

    3 years ago
  • Moving fast pays off for hedge funds
    2020 was an up and down year in credit, and credit hedge fund managers had to move quickly to capture opportunities from the dislocations that inevitably opened up

    3 years ago
  • A different kind of crisis
    Panellists on Creditflux’s US CLO webinar were positive about the robustness of CLO structures and the role of cure contributions. But they warned about zombie defaults and gaming tests

    4 years ago
  • Credit pickers need luck to avoid OC trap
    We know what you’re thinking: is my CLO failing its OC test? The truth is, in all this volatility, it can be hard to keep track, unless your deal has high quality liquid loans


    4 years ago
  • Star names join Barclays as it pushes into CLOs

    John Clements’ move to Barclays has been voted one of the biggest moves this year. On the buy side, Carlyle’s private credit growth and Alcentra’s US expansion have been boosted with big hires

    6 years ago
  • Aircraft lessors: gathering clouds lead to talk of turbulence
    Aircraft leasing companies have been cruising over the past two years as passenger numbers grew, but rising interest rates and trade tariff concerns are making some bondholders nervous

    6 years ago
  • Higher leverage is on the horizon - but, for now, take in the MFN sunsets
    It’s clear from our analysis of most favoured nation protections and sunsets that strong demand for loans is enabling borrowers to insist on advantageous terms even as they increase leverage

    6 years ago
  • Drug makers: desperately seeking pain relief
    With Teva’s profitable Copaxone being undermined by cheaper alternatives, the company is in need of a pick-me-up. By Euan Hagger

    6 years ago
  • US power generators: Falling prices spark bankruptcies
    As renewables and gas undercut traditional power generators, bond holders are preparing for price shocks. By Euan Hagger

    6 years ago
  • Leading fund: Lupus Alpha CLO Opportunity Notes I
    Single-B CLO trades boost Lupus Alpha asset Management

    7 years ago
  • Investing ethically is worth it
    Managers could see less volatile returns as a result of their increasing adoption of ESG-friendly portfolios; meanwhile direct lending is spreading across Europe

    7 years ago

14 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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