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14 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Fund performance: Wake us up when September ends
    After a resurgent August, credit markets hit a rough patch in September, with every Creditflux index posting negative returns, and only 12.9% of funds in our listings showing a positive return.

    1 year ago
  • Russia’s long EM index tenure cut in one swoop
    Various constituent changes have been tabled for the forthcoming March roll of CDX and iTraxx credit derivative indices into new series, but one stand out is the administrator’s decision to eject Russia from all series of CDX EM

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: heading for homes
    Fund managers in structured credit, real assets and distressed are bullish on the prospects for residential housing in 2021. Elsewhere, niche royalty-based strategies are in favour and although a CLO repricing wave is expected, it may not be easy to execute resets. For more, read our 13-page quarterly report on credit. 

    3 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: sometimes you have to dive deep to find value
    Some parts of the credit market are fraught with danger, but that does not mean portfolio managers are avoiding them entirely, according to the Credit Rendezvous, Creditflux's 10-page quarterly report eaturing comments from 15 credit experts

    3 years ago
  • Fund performance: A third of funds reach positive territory in 2020
    August has been another successful month for the CLO category as seven of the top 10 funds invest primarily in CLOs

    3 years ago
  • Ucits at a glance: Five funds lift YTD returns above 5%
    Five funds have managed to pull their year to date figures above 5%; Loomis Sayles (7.50%), Algebris (5.82%), Pictet (5.53%), Amundi (5.36%) and Advent (5.11%)

    4 years ago
  • Fund performance: Almost a third of credit funds reach positive YTD returns
    July has been a successful month for many credit funds, despite the recovery peaking in May and June

    4 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: record fiscal stimulus provides pick-me-up
    Credit markets had a mini bounce-back in the second quarter as central banks poured cash into the economy. But there is great uncertainty about the effects of a second wave of coronavirus. As part of our quarterly report on credit - the Credit Rendezvous - Creditflux spoke to experts across 12 segments of the credit market

    4 years ago
  • Fund performance: CLO tranches move up
    April returns managed a partial bounce back after a tumultuous March. 82% of funds listed in the Creditflux database made positive returns, showing at least small signs of recovery after 90% of all funds listed posted negative returns in March

    4 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: recovery begins, but is it U, V or even W?
    Investing in credit is not as easy as ABC. The coronavirus crisis has crushed valuations and although most assets will eventually pull to par, no one is sure how the recovery will pan out

    4 years ago
  • US credit leads surge tighter on Fed package to close gap with Europe
    What was already a much more positive week for credit has ended with a massive jump-start, as the US Federal Reserve unveiled a $2.3 trillion relief package targeting small businesses and municipalities but with additional support for bigger companies, including 'fallen angel' household names

    4 years ago
  • CDX HY and EM trade with fresh legs after defaulted names drop out
    New series of US high yield index CDX HY and emerging market index CDX EM begin their first full day of trading today, having replaced outgoing versions on Friday amid a weakening of credit markets due to the spreading impact of the coronavirus outbreak

    4 years ago
  • Credit traders' kickstand: rolling with the pain, as relative value trades come unstuck
    What a difference a month - and a pandemic - make. This time in February, no-one could have imagined a global financial crisis would be unfolding, that credit performance would be a battle between a virus and some of the biggest government and central bank interventions on record, that today's iTraxx Europe and CDX index rolls would traverse unprecedented ranges, that option expiry strikes would be blown beyond recognition, or that cash and CDS differentials would be whipsawing with such violence

    4 years ago
  • iTraxx and CDX roll provisional lists reveal effects of index overhauls
    Eagerly awaited provisional lists are out for this month’s index CDS rolls, with big changes signalled across iTraxx and CDX products

    5 years ago

14 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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