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42 results found Showing page 1 of 2

  • Taking stock after a long hot summer
    As fall approaches, the global CLO and leveraged loan markets are in a strong position. But will records set in 2021 tumble?  We compare the numbers — and find out what the market thinks

    4 days ago
  • Rapid growth shows middle market CLO no longer BSL’s little brother
    Middle market CLOs, the once niche sector that securitises private credit loans, is seeing a growth spurt. What was a junior partner to the much larger BSL world is now a sizeable entity of its own.

    2 months ago
  • What do reset deals have in common?
    Is it possible to predict which deals are likely to be reset next? With reset mania continuing to grip the US CLO market, we search for common factors among 2014-2021 deals that were reset

    5 months ago
  • A strong year for CLO strategies
    After the pain of 2022, credit fund managers must have been praying that 2023 turned out better. It did.

    7 months ago
  • What CLO investors really need to know
    From the drivers of CLO performance to cashflow modelling, these are the seven things every CLO equity investor needs to know. This article is an extract from Dealscribe and CLO Research’s guide What CLO Equity Investors Need To Know

    9 months ago
  • Setting standards for emissions data
    Macroeconomic trends may have pushed the topic of ESG reporting down the news agenda this year, but this is changing with a raft of new regulations in countries around the world

    10 months ago
  • CLO Census: It’s time to put the shop in order
    After a lacklustre year for the CLO market, the 539 respondents to our comprehensive survey are increasingly calling for structural changes, from electronic trading to standardised documents

    10 months ago
  • European CLOs win out against US deals
    Last month, our analysis explored the performance of US CLOs that were previously reset. We found that they delivered higher distributions than deals which weren’t reset, with the exception of the 2017 and 2018 vintages (Creditflux September 2023 — Do resets help CLOs perform better?). This article expands that analysis to the European market, and compares the performance of US BSL and EU CLO equity tranches.

    11 months ago
  • Primary market roars into life
    The primary CLO market pickup that started in August continued strongly in September, both in Europe and the US. Although the overall direction was the same on both sides of the Atlantic, the type of activity was quite different.

    11 months ago
  • Do resets help CLOs perform better?
    As the market for CLO resets opens, we look at the performance of deals that were previously reset, and find they soon deliver higher distributions than those deals that were not reset

    1 year ago
  • Fund performance
    Good month for CLO funds sees six in top 10 as Axiom sets pace

    1 year ago
  • CLO funds make best of a bad situation
    It can’t get any worse can it? Well, it did in 2022, when credit spreads kept moving wider. Still, CLO funds were able to withstand the pressure, and they outperformed other credit strategies

    1 year ago
  • We made the most of a tricky situation
    The contrast between 2021 and the following 12 months could not have been starker. But although some heavy hitters remained on the sidelines, 94 US CLO managers priced new deals in 2022


    1 year ago
  • Not every CLO can be a winner
    The CLO industry has undeniably performed well enough to justify the plaudits it receives. But there will always be some unloved CLO tranches that slip into triple C territory


    1 year ago
  • Weren’t there more of us than this?
    According to this year’s Creditflux CLO Census, the CLO industry is not feeling optimistic. Some investors have vanished and managers have not taken advantage of helpful market conditions

    1 year ago
  • What matters is what you do with it
    CLO managers yearn for flexibility so they can take advantage when credit sells off. But it isn’t enough on its own: triple C-flex CLOs saw portfolios erode this year, while CBOs outperformed

    1 year ago
  • We can cope with downgrades again

    Having overcome one loan downgrade wave in 2020, the CLO market is now facing another. But this time CLOs are defensively positioned, and managers have a chance to adjust portfolios

    2 years ago
  • We’re drifting apart
    Everyone’s issuing US CLOs these days and it is tempting to believe the crowd of managers is blending into one. However, overall portfolio overlap has dropped to 37.7% across 2021 CLOs  

    2 years ago
  • CLO managers show respect to their elders
    Alongside lucrative new issues, managers also make time for refinancing and resetting old deals. Our data shows that, in 2021, mid-sized firms were the most effective at this balancing act

    2 years ago
  • A fresh approach to loss distribution
    Considering how cash balances change over time, loss distribution models can look very different to conventional thinking. So is your CLO’s pricing based on incorrect assumptions?  

    2 years ago
  • Still plenty more fish in the triple C

    US CLO triple C buckets are lighter than a year ago thanks to the wave of loan upgrades from Moody’s and S&P. But 48% of downgraded paper is yet to return to a coveted single B rating

    2 years ago
  • 2020 CLOs find redemption is sweet
    The believers have been vindicated with 2020 CLOs among the best-performing of all time by IRR. Even those that have been reset have been a success with par flushes making for huge equity distributions.

    3 years ago
  • Lighten up, these are due an upgrade
    CLO triple C buckets were overflowing last year, but the average exposure is now 7.3%. That is still close to trigger levels, but CLO managers are relaxed, as further loan upgrades are on the horizon

    3 years ago
  • Woah, we’re halfway there
    Judging by the 2020 vintage, European CLO overlap is 50%. But varied approaches to holding bonds and the many loans managers turn down mean there are ways for issuers to outperform

    3 years ago
  • Moving fast pays off for hedge funds
    2020 was an up and down year in credit, and credit hedge fund managers had to move quickly to capture opportunities from the dislocations that inevitably opened up

    3 years ago

42 results found Showing page 1 of 2

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