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17 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Private equity firms are becoming CLO converts: TwentyFour
    Private equity firms have increasingly bought CLO and other securitised debt tranches in recent weeks instead of their usual preference for physical assets - a trade TwentyFour believes "makes perfect sense"

    1 year ago
  • Credit investors find bright spots in gloomy outlook: Credit Rendezvous Q4 2022
    Clouds are looming over financial markets as the fourth quarter begins — so investors are moving away from diversified approaches in favour of tailored investments and relative value plays

    1 year ago
  • CLO spreads are not pricing in recession: JP Morgan
    CLOs are priced fairly for a growth slowdown but not a recession, according to JP Morgan credit strategists, who warn spreads are at risk if US growth contracts

    2 years ago
  • We’ll get through this awkward patch
    Wide liabilities have made pricing CLOs trickier in the past few months. But speakers at Creditflux’s CLO Symposium were optimistic that the arbitrage is OK — so long as you can place those triple As

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: Pass masters
    Most often, a credit market downturn has its roots mired in one big, blatant obstacle that credit managers have to focus their attention to overcome. But right now, it’s not the dominant risk factor that has to be defeated, it’s the sheer number of them...

    2 years ago
  • High yield / loan slowdown affects year-end projections and pricing: Barclays
    A sharp decline in primary market activity means expectations for high yield bond and even leveraged loan issuance need to be lowered, say Barclays credit strategists. And that in turn has implications for relative value

    2 years ago
  • Loans will be winners in bearish year for credit: BNP Paribas
    Floating rate loans are best positioned for a year of widening credit spreads, but high yield bonds will outperform investment grade and EM credit is set for losses, says BNP Paribas in its 2022 outlook

    2 years ago
  • Citadel promotes credit head to co-CIO
    Citadel has promoted its global credit head to co-chief investment officer

    2 years ago
  • Everyone’s ramping

    The Creditflux CLO Symposium was back as an in-person event for the first time in two years and participants were delighted to socialise and bask in an amazing year for the credit industry 

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: And breathe...
    The unanimous verdict is that credit spreads will be moving wider – they have to. But the difficulty credit fund managers face is predicting when the next sell-off comes and how sharp it will be. In the Q3 instalment of Creditflux’s Credit Rendezvous, the over-riding message from portfolio managers is that there’s little point in taking on too much risk. The report features the views of prominent credit figures including Paul Horvath (Orchard), Himani Trivedi (Nuveen), Ronnie Jaber (Onex), Graham Rainbow (Alcentra) and Michelle Russell-Dowe (Schroders). The report looks at 14 segments of the market including CLOs, direct lending, leveraged loans, distressed debt and credit derivatives.  

    3 years ago
  • Woah, we’re halfway there
    Judging by the 2020 vintage, European CLO overlap is 50%. But varied approaches to holding bonds and the many loans managers turn down mean there are ways for issuers to outperform

    3 years ago
  • It's all relative: CLO spreads explore record tights as credit indices hit impasse
    CLO spreads are grinding to ever tighter levels, despite a flattish week for credit in which corporate credit indices have ended up more or less unchanged

    3 years ago
  • It's all relative: Euro CLO mezz rallies to follow month-long IG/HY compression
    European credit suffered this week with Brexit talks between the UK and the EU dragging on and both sides conceding that a trade deal is unlikely to be reached by Sunday’s deadline. But European CLO tranches have held up reasonably well with mezzanine spreads tightening by almost 13% in December

    3 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: record fiscal stimulus provides pick-me-up
    Credit markets had a mini bounce-back in the second quarter as central banks poured cash into the economy. But there is great uncertainty about the effects of a second wave of coronavirus. As part of our quarterly report on credit - the Credit Rendezvous - Creditflux spoke to experts across 12 segments of the credit market

    4 years ago
  • The question is not whether CLOs are too dangerous, but what more they could and should be doing
    Contrary to recent headlines, CLOs could be the tool which help reduce the rate of climate change

    4 years ago
  • It may seem a bit rich for Welshcake to tell staid CLO investors they need to be more sensible
    Bespokes are the next big thing — and you’d be wise to get involved

    4 years ago
  • Moving on from the late 2018 hangover
    It might be too early to call a full recovery, but it’s fair to say that the US loan market is back on track with $48 billion of institutional issuance in 2019 — 88% of which is made up of new issues

    5 years ago

17 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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