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  • It's all relative: Euro CLO mezz rallies to follow month-long IG/HY compression
    European credit suffered this week with Brexit talks between the UK and the EU dragging on and both sides conceding that a trade deal is unlikely to be reached by Sunday’s deadline. But European CLO tranches have held up reasonably well with mezzanine spreads tightening by almost 13% in December

    3 years ago
  • European CLOs rise in secondary with Sound Point deal up 4.25 cents from issuance
    Double-B rated CLO tranches received bids in the high 90s on Wednesday with Sound Point Capital Management’s debut European CLO attracting the highest cover of 98.25 cents on the euro. But the CLO rally is lagging moves in corporate credit  

    3 years ago
  • US and Europe diverge on credit spreads and more
    US and European corporate credit performance has diverged since cities went into lockdown in March, with Europe tending to do better. But the CLO market gives a different picture, with 17 US transactions pricing to four in Europe since 1 April, and with tighter investment grade spreads

    4 years ago
  • The Last Tranche: Podcast episode 1
    Creditflux takes on Las Vegas, b-wics and Welshcake, among other credit topics in the inaugural episode of the Last Tranche podcast

    5 years ago

4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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