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36 results found Showing page 2 of 2

  • September: credit funds at a glance
    White Oak Global Advisors held a $2.1 billion final close on a new direct lending fund, while Phil Raciti's move from CVC Credit Partners to Halcyon Capital Management was one of the biggest moves in the credit industry

    5 years ago
  • Star names join Barclays as it pushes into CLOs

    John Clements’ move to Barclays has been voted one of the biggest moves this year. On the buy side, Carlyle’s private credit growth and Alcentra’s US expansion have been boosted with big hires

    6 years ago
  • Experienced CSAM holds off boutiques to win biggest prize
    Credit Suisse Asset Management became a two-time winner of the Creditflux Manager of the Year award last month after picking up the 2018 trophy in front of a packed house at London’s Landmark Hotel on 9 May

    6 years ago
  • A credit market in constant flux
    Since Creditflux's launch in 2001, we've reported on CLO evolution, trendy new products, regulatory U-turns, and, of course, crashes. Which, we wonder, is coming next?

    6 years ago
  • Managers predict skill will win out
    We asked managers to predict the year ahead across a range of credit strategies. Overall, they had a positive outlook. By Grace Jennings-Edquist

    6 years ago
  • Leading fund: Lupus Alpha CLO Opportunity Notes I
    Single-B CLO trades boost Lupus Alpha asset Management

    7 years ago
  • Think outside the box
    While the US market credit is the most liquid and the UK is considered the home of European direct lending, there are opportunities further a?eld

    7 years ago
  • Things aren’t always what they seem
    Buy CLO triple As but don’t be fooled by diversity scores; take a look at credit index futures if you need liquidity; and watch out for quasi-mid market loans appearing in CLOs

    7 years ago
  • Investing ethically is worth it
    Managers could see less volatile returns as a result of their increasing adoption of ESG-friendly portfolios; meanwhile direct lending is spreading across Europe

    7 years ago
  • Move up the stack to avoid implosion
    Pundit warns investors to be concerned about return of their principal – but senior loans may be a safe haven as credit yields are squeezed and high yield becomes crowded

    7 years ago
  • Heading tighter into uncertainty
    Tightening loan spreads are making the job of a CLO manager harder in both the US and Europe. But credit volatility could be on the horizon

    7 years ago

36 results found Showing page 2 of 2

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