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54 results found Showing page 3 of 3

  • It’s going to be a credit picker’s market
    Our panel of experts believe that the credit market will be volatile this year, but there will be opportunities in European credit and additional tier one bonds, trups CDOs and unitranches

    5 years ago
  • September: credit funds at a glance
    White Oak Global Advisors held a $2.1 billion final close on a new direct lending fund, while Phil Raciti's move from CVC Credit Partners to Halcyon Capital Management was one of the biggest moves in the credit industry

    5 years ago
  • Countdown begins to Creditflux Manager Awards 2018
    The highlight of the awards season - Creditflux's Manager Awards ceremony - will take place on 9 May and submissions process is now open  

    6 years ago
  • Institutional investors - does Europe still provide the best opportunities in credit?
    Cash or synthetics, CLOs versus CMBS, senior or junior debt? Institutional investors have a variety of ways to approach credit investing and Creditflux's biannual survey of credit allocators aims to determine which market they view as offering compelling returns

    7 years ago

54 results found Showing page 3 of 3

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