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3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • LP round up: Dutch pensions put €1.3 billion into infra debt
    Institutional investors allocated over $2 billion to credit funds in January. Opportunistic credit funds were a favourite but the biggest moves came in infrastructure debt

    3 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: record fiscal stimulus provides pick-me-up
    Credit markets had a mini bounce-back in the second quarter as central banks poured cash into the economy. But there is great uncertainty about the effects of a second wave of coronavirus. As part of our quarterly report on credit - the Credit Rendezvous - Creditflux spoke to experts across 12 segments of the credit market

    4 years ago
  • Managers predict skill will win out
    We asked managers to predict the year ahead across a range of credit strategies. Overall, they had a positive outlook. By Grace Jennings-Edquist

    6 years ago

3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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