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  • French media company rallies hard on accelerated sale
    Credit and sector specific moves in the high yield market are outpacing the overall direction of travel of indices, where there is divergent performance between Europe and the US

    2 years ago
  • Credit traders’ kickstand: weaker mood, but primary drive strengthens
    The primary market for high yield bonds is open again, after a pause around the US holiday on Monday, with issues in Europe today from the likes of SIlgan and Catalent striking a bullish tone and setting the scene for an expected flurry of deals next week. But this comes as credit generally weakens, with concerns about the spread and reappraisal of coronavirus cases causing spreads to push back from their recent tights

    4 years ago
  • Ares credit business grows 4.4%, driven by US direct lending
    US and European direct lending, alternative credit and syndicated loan funds dove growth for Ares Management Corporation in the second quarter, the firm said

    5 years ago

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