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4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Weren’t there more of us than this?
    According to this year’s Creditflux CLO Census, the CLO industry is not feeling optimistic. Some investors have vanished and managers have not taken advantage of helpful market conditions

    1 year ago
  • These CLO docs could be better
    It seems there’s not much to worry about if you’re in the CLO market. In Creditflux’s CLO Census, voters said docs should follow a template as Jefferies, AGL and Hayfin emerge as rising stars

    2 years ago
  • We didn’t take full advantage of volatility

    The Creditflux CLO Census found that CLO arrangers and investors were more bullish than managers, who accepted they could have done more to capitalise on loan volatility late last year

    4 years ago
  • Weighted average life divides CLO industry
    Creditflux’s second CLO Census reveals stark differences of opinion on weighted average life and par-flush for US CLOs. But there is a clear consensus on which bank is best at CLO execution

    6 years ago

4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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