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4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Credit bull run falters as central bank glow abates
    Thoughts that the credit market had taken a positive directional shift are turning, after Tuesday’s session has brought a sizeable retracement wider, but credit strategists predict an overall firming of tone into the end of the year off the back of dovish central bank meetings

    2 years ago
  • China contagion fears linger as Huarong rebounds
    China Huarong Asset Manager, the state-owned bad debt manager, is back on a path to improvement after shocking markets by delaying its annual report. But questions remain over the extent of government support and the ripple effects to the wider credit market

    3 years ago
  • Reality bites after credit traders abandon Brexit hedges
    Rediscovered faith in the ability of the UK and European Union to reach an agreement before the 31 October Brexit deadline has helped fuel a surge tighter of credit spreads, led by UK financial names. But that break with caution faces an immediate reality check today, following admissions a lot more work is needed

    4 years ago
  • Buy iTraxx Europe equity tranche risk but sell Crossover mezz, says JP Morgan
    Investors should stick with ‘search for yield’ ideas in investment grade credit, say JP Morgan credit strategists, including selling iTraxx Europe 0-3% equity tranches delta hedged, going long the 10-year Europe index, and selling credit volatility through index options while buying equity market volatility

    5 years ago

4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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