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6 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Gone but not forgotten
    ACA Capital’s spectacular collapse heralded the demise of the monoline business and scattered its employees into jobs right across the credit space

    10 years ago
  • Making a case for pre-funded bonds
    They may not be commonly issued but collateralised coupon bonds should be more attractive to investors than zero coupon bonds

    11 years ago
  • Credit pays – in the long run
    Bac Van Luu and Peiyi Yu crunch data going back to 1926 to figure out whether long term investors, such as pension funds, benefit from being overweight credit

    12 years ago
  • Modelling default distributions
    Joe Pimbley looks at the use of models by Gauss and Vasicek in the analysis of distributions of default, and at how a combination of the two can add further detail to the picture they give

    12 years ago
  • Plotting the grim reaper’s path
    Events such as the October 1987 crash show us that the credit market isn’t random. Actually, it’s all or nothing: business as usual or sudden death

    13 years ago
  • New products for new markets
    New products for new markets

    18 years ago

6 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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