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7 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • From Suez to CLOs
    Indosuez Capital blazed a trail in CLOs and its ex-staff are now pivotal players across the industry

    9 years ago
  • A European at the heart of US CLOs
    Deutsche Bank has carved out a distinctive role in the CLO business as a bridge between the US and Europe

    10 years ago
  • Together, they’ve gone far
    The stable Wells Fargo team that came together at Wachovia is now backed by one of the big four US banks. It's a combination that dominates in US mid-market CLOs

    10 years ago
  • Giant takes sharp turn towards CLOs
    It is one of the biggest banks, but BNP Paribas moved nimbly after the crisis to build on its position as a leader in credit derivatives by adding a CLO arranging business

    10 years ago
  • Gone but not forgotten
    ACA Capital’s spectacular collapse heralded the demise of the monoline business and scattered its employees into jobs right across the credit space

    10 years ago
  • European CLO arrangers: back in business
    With at least 15 deals likely to price this year, European CLOs are well and truly back. But who will arrange them? Sayed Kadiri finds the key people on European arrangers’ desks

    11 years ago
  • Her Majesty’s secret CLO desk
    They don’t know it, but through their ownership of nationalised RBS, UK taxpayers may hold the world’s biggest portfolio of CLO paper. Sayed Kadiri analyses RBS’s Stamford-based CLO business

    11 years ago

7 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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