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111 results found Showing page 3 of 5

  • Credit spotlight - Lean, mean driving machines
    After paring down fleets and cutting costs in 2008, car rental companies have recently posted strong earnings and most could now make profits even in a recession

    12 years ago
  • Tracking the CLO dividend deluge
    Once given up for dead, many CLOs are paying equity investors huge returns. We use CLO-i to find those with the highest distributions

    13 years ago
  • Growth in real money accounts drives CDS market flows
    The credit default swap market has been transformed beyond recognition in recent years. We present the first ever league table of CDS counterparties by outstanding volumes.

    13 years ago
  • Spotlight on CLO returns
    Data submitted for the Creditflux CLO manager awards provides a valuable snapshot of the whole market

    13 years ago
  • Symphony’s unfinished business
    West Coast alternatives manager Symphony Asset Management was early in creating a full blown credit business. Now it’s ready to build on its track record

    13 years ago
  • Reit repairs begin to pay off
    After a disastrous 2009 and a period of refinancing, reits are starting to deliver strong returns again, with those active in high quality office space leading the way

    13 years ago
  • In defence of the Gaussian copula
    It’s been called the model that killed Wall Street, but Jean-David Fermanian argues that the structured credit market’s Gaussian copula model has been unfairly maligned

    13 years ago
  • Finding the best of the best
    The world’s top performing CLOs, as measured by our unique Par Plus ratio, are listed opposite. Join us at our awards on 17 May to discover which are the very best of all

    13 years ago
  • Uniqa: Staying the course
    How detailed CLO modelling helped Uniqa Alternative Investments keep its investors on board through the darkest days of the crisis.

    13 years ago
  • Pricing counterparty risk
    In the first of our series of articles exploring technical aspects of the credit markets,
    Eduardo Canabarro examines models for pricing credit valuation adjustment, or CVA

    13 years ago
  • Rise of the super manager
    After a slow start, manager consolidation is changing the shape of the CLO market

    13 years ago
  • Broadcasters bounce back
    Eighteen months ago, many broadcasters were fighting for life. But in the nick of time an increase in advertising revenue rode to the rescue. 

    13 years ago
  • Credit spotlight - Mixed outlook for insurers
    Exposure to mortgage-backed assets and European sovereigns has made insurance companies a barometer for the global economy

    14 years ago
  • CVC Cordatus - Choosing wisely
    It's portfolios are lumpy and packed with mezzanine and second lien. So why is European loan manager CVC Cordatus doing so well?

    14 years ago
  • Credit hedge funds deliver the goods
    Long-only credit funds have made stellar returns in the past 18 months, but credit hedge funds have delivered better Sharpe ratios

    14 years ago
  • Apidos - Credit’s true believers
    Few CLO managers can boast they have never failed an OC test. Apidos can, and it wants the world to know about its track record

    14 years ago
  • Katonah woes put focus on public credit vehicles
    Katonah Capital’s row with Deloitte, its auditor, and its restatement of the fair values of its assets, highlight the difficulty permacaps face in valuing illiquid assets

    14 years ago
  • Henderson Global Investors: Telling it like it is
    Henderson Global Investors is banking on its openess and its straight-talking culture to win it mandates from outside its UK base

    14 years ago
  • Tracking the secondary CDO market
    The Creditflux B-wic Tracker shows secondary CDO volumes staying strong and throws up some surprises amongst the managers most often mentioned Mike Peterson

    14 years ago
  • Spotlight on auto makers - A long and winding road
    Auto makers have turned a corner – but the ending of government incentives to consumers is just one reason to believe that progress won’t be entirely straightforward

    14 years ago
  • Spotlight on airlines - Waiting for take off
    The recession has seen 30 airlines go bust. Now the survivors are hoping that a predicted growth in passenger numbers will lift them back into profitability

    14 years ago
  • Assenagon: the basis hunter
    Negative basis used to be an easy trade. But now Munich-based credit manager Assenagon must hunt high and low for these elusive opportunities.

    14 years ago
  • Viewpoint - Buy inefficiency
    Hildene Capital’s Brett Jefferson and John Scannell explain the merits and perils of trups CDOs

    14 years ago
  • Spotlight on semiconductors - Saved by the smart phone
    Growth in sales of portable computers and hi tech smart phones is helping the semiconductor industry recover.

    14 years ago
  • Credit spotlight – cash guzzlers
    The recovery in oil prices has not helped refineries, where overcapacity and weak demand have seen cash reserves go up in smoke.

    14 years ago

111 results found Showing page 3 of 5

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