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8 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Investing ethically is worth it
    Managers could see less volatile returns as a result of their increasing adoption of ESG-friendly portfolios; meanwhile direct lending is spreading across Europe

    7 years ago
  • A European at the heart of US CLOs
    Deutsche Bank has carved out a distinctive role in the CLO business as a bridge between the US and Europe

    10 years ago
  • Appetite for destruction
    After the crisis, UBS pulled together a team of big hitters to lead a renewed push into CLOs. But a cruel about-turn has seen it scatter them throughout the industry

    10 years ago
  • Gone but not forgotten
    ACA Capital’s spectacular collapse heralded the demise of the monoline business and scattered its employees into jobs right across the credit space

    10 years ago
  • The growing Swiss network
    Defunct investment banks such as Lehman Brothers are not the only ones with a healthy diaspora of credit traders. UBS has a wide network of ex-colleagues.

    11 years ago
  • Adding an Asian presence
    Taking the plaudits as the first euro CLO 2.0 arranger and turning heads by distributing CLOs to Asia, Credit Suisse has set itself up as a global CLO player.

    11 years ago
  • Her Majesty’s secret CLO desk
    They don’t know it, but through their ownership of nationalised RBS, UK taxpayers may hold the world’s biggest portfolio of CLO paper. Sayed Kadiri analyses RBS’s Stamford-based CLO business

    11 years ago
  • Oh Brothers, where art thou?
    Lehman Brothers’ collapse scattered one of the best regarded structured credit teams in the business around the investment banks and hedge funds of the world

    11 years ago

8 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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