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14 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Are we ready for another crisis?
    Credit managers must brace themselves for stress in 2023, as rates rise and the number of poor performing assets increases. But most CLOs look well-placed and can rely on plump OC cushions 

    1 year ago
  • What matters is what you do with it
    CLO managers yearn for flexibility so they can take advantage when credit sells off. But it isn’t enough on its own: triple C-flex CLOs saw portfolios erode this year, while CBOs outperformed

    1 year ago
  • We can cope with downgrades again

    Having overcome one loan downgrade wave in 2020, the CLO market is now facing another. But this time CLOs are defensively positioned, and managers have a chance to adjust portfolios

    2 years ago
  • Still plenty more fish in the triple C

    US CLO triple C buckets are lighter than a year ago thanks to the wave of loan upgrades from Moody’s and S&P. But 48% of downgraded paper is yet to return to a coveted single B rating

    2 years ago
  • Woah, we’re halfway there
    Judging by the 2020 vintage, European CLO overlap is 50%. But varied approaches to holding bonds and the many loans managers turn down mean there are ways for issuers to outperform

    3 years ago
  • CLOs wheel and deal as overlap increases
    2020 CLOs are a different breed to any other vintage. But this cohort features an overlap of almost 40% as CLO issuers have been forced to focus almost entirely on secondary market loans

    3 years ago
  • Loan slump brings managers closer
    A 19% slide in new US loan volumes last year has left CLO managers with fewer options in the primary market, and portfolio overlap between US managers has increased to 35.3% on average

    4 years ago
  • Europe’s newcomers find ways to stand out
    Last year’s new European CLO managers needed to provide something different for investors. In general, they’ve succeeded, with Capital Four having one of the smallest overlap figures in our data

    4 years ago
  • Credit pickers need luck to avoid OC trap
    We know what you’re thinking: is my CLO failing its OC test? The truth is, in all this volatility, it can be hard to keep track, unless your deal has high quality liquid loans


    4 years ago
  • Moving on from the late 2018 hangover
    It might be too early to call a full recovery, but it’s fair to say that the US loan market is back on track with $48 billion of institutional issuance in 2019 — 88% of which is made up of new issues

    5 years ago
  • Star names join Barclays as it pushes into CLOs

    John Clements’ move to Barclays has been voted one of the biggest moves this year. On the buy side, Carlyle’s private credit growth and Alcentra’s US expansion have been boosted with big hires

    6 years ago
  • Experienced CSAM holds off boutiques to win biggest prize
    Credit Suisse Asset Management became a two-time winner of the Creditflux Manager of the Year award last month after picking up the 2018 trophy in front of a packed house at London’s Landmark Hotel on 9 May

    6 years ago
  • Managers predict skill will win out
    We asked managers to predict the year ahead across a range of credit strategies. Overall, they had a positive outlook. By Grace Jennings-Edquist

    6 years ago
  • Things aren’t always what they seem
    Buy CLO triple As but don’t be fooled by diversity scores; take a look at credit index futures if you need liquidity; and watch out for quasi-mid market loans appearing in CLOs

    7 years ago

14 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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