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9 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Egypt works its Sharm on credit markets
    Egypt looks to be reaping the benefits of hosting the Cop 27 climate summit in Sharm el-Sheik, with the country’s credit spreads on a sharp rally this week

    1 year ago
  • Russia CDS auction deliverables list takes shape after sanctions licence
    Russian Federation bonds cleared by Euroclear may be the only deliverable obligations to settle sovereign CDS contracts referencing the country, the Emea Determinations Committee has said, although it is also considering Clearstream listed bonds as it moves forward with preparations for a credit event auction

    1 year ago
  • Russia triggers failure-to-pay credit event
    The Russian Federation has triggered a failure-to-pay credit event on sovereign bonds, the Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee has ruled – marking an historic moment that caps off a long run of deliberations on the country’s international debt since it invaded Ukraine on 24 February

    2 years ago
  • Russia looks to avoid default as deliverable list points to 27-cent recovery
    The Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee has published a preliminary list of bonds it deems deliverable into Russian Federation CDS contracts, even though reports suggest Russia may have avoided default with just one day left on the country's grace period for overdue international bond payments

    2 years ago
  • Credit rallies on Fed and BofE rates signals, but starting gun fires on tapering
    Credit and equity markets have responded well to the US Federal Reserve unveiling much anticipated plans to begin tapering asset purchases, while vouching it will stay patient on hiking interest rates. The Bank of England followed this on Thursday by holding its rates at 0.1%

    2 years ago
  • US debt talks and German real estate regain composure after damaging wrangles
    Adler Group is ending on a firmer footing what has been a rocky week for the German real estate company, as credit heads into the weekend unmoved by developments in the US on raising the country's debt ceiling

    2 years ago
  • Ensco CDS leap wider on credit event trigger
    CDS contracts referencing Ensco International, a Houston based subsidiary of offshore driller Valaris, have shot wider after the Americas Determinations Committee ruled the company has triggered a bankruptcy credit event

    3 years ago
  • Financials lag as credit rallies on Chinese manufacturing pick up
    Credit market improvement has continued this morning on signs of Chinese economic recovery, after the rally in spreads resumed yesterday afternoon in Europe and throughout most of the US session

    4 years ago
  • Credit traders' kickstand: Europe ascendant as high yield pipeline returns
    The high yield bond primary market grinds back into gear this week just as European credit reaches an extreme point of outperformance over the US, and comes on the back of Europe’s busiest week of investment grade issuance in 18 months

    4 years ago

9 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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