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  • CLO refi and reset volumes surge with $2.3 billion priced on Friday
    CLO refi and reset volumes surged on Friday with $2.3 billion priced across the US market, according to market sources. Brigade Capital Management, MidOcean Credit Partners and New Mountain Capital reset regular-way CLOs, Blackstone Credit scored a regular CLO refi, Sculptor Capital Management refinanced a bond-heavy CLO, and Ivy Hill Asset Management reset a middle market CLO

    2 years ago
  • European CLO double Bs jump wider amid October macro worries - but seniors stand firm
    The fortunes of investment grade and high yielding European CLO tranches have gone in opposite directions in the last month. In a year where relative value has shifted several times, Creditflux analysis shows that new issue European CLO double Bs have blown out by 16.5% in October versus September, while triple A-rated notes have tightened 6.7% in that time

    3 years ago
  • Anchorage prices first five-year CLO structure since March
    Five-year CLO structures have returned for the first time since the coronavirus outbreak, thanks to a bond flex deal issued by Anchorage Capital Group

    4 years ago

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