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  • It's all relative: CLOs march tighter as macro traders open positive CDS skews
    Credit default swaps are back near where they started the year after giving up their early-February gains amid a rise in government bonds. CDS curves steepened over the past month and macro hedging has left indices trading with positive skews. But CLOs paint a calmer picture in which spreads have inched tighter  

    3 years ago
  • It's all relative: CLOs are lagging no more, as Carlyle deal drags market tighter
    “CLOs are lagging” has been a much repeated refrain over the last nine months. But Carlyle Group has this week produced a US CLO that has dragged spreads to their tightest point in three years so that, rather than comparing CLOs to pre-covid levels, they should be assessed against early 2018

    3 years ago
  • It's all relative: senior CLO tranches tighten 18% in Europe as CDS indices sit out rally

    The corporate credit rally in January is notable because some assets tightened to levels not seen in over a decade (loans), others rallied albeit with a lag (CLOs) and the most liquid stream of credit (CDS indices) defied moves in other asset classes to widen


    3 years ago
  • European CLO double Bs jump wider amid October macro worries - but seniors stand firm
    The fortunes of investment grade and high yielding European CLO tranches have gone in opposite directions in the last month. In a year where relative value has shifted several times, Creditflux analysis shows that new issue European CLO double Bs have blown out by 16.5% in October versus September, while triple A-rated notes have tightened 6.7% in that time

    3 years ago
  • Go long CLO triple-A and pick cash bonds over CDS, says JP Morgan
    Going long European CLO triple A paper remains one of JP Morgan strategists’ favourite trades following the European Central Bank stimulus announcement last week, despite these tranches having rallied 14bp on average since the bank first backed them. They also predict cash credit to outperform CDS

    5 years ago

5 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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