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4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • CEO steps down after DWS greenwashing allegations lead to police raid
    A tumultuous 24 hours for DWS Group, in which police and regulators raided its office, has been compounded by the resignation of its chief executive officer Asoka Woehrmann on Wednesday morning

    2 years ago
  • We’ll get through this awkward patch
    Wide liabilities have made pricing CLOs trickier in the past few months. But speakers at Creditflux’s CLO Symposium were optimistic that the arbitrage is OK — so long as you can place those triple As

    2 years ago
  • Everyone’s ramping

    The Creditflux CLO Symposium was back as an in-person event for the first time in two years and participants were delighted to socialise and bask in an amazing year for the credit industry 

    2 years ago
  • Credit funds at a glance
    A round-up of fundraising and people moves in credit

    4 years ago

4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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