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  • 2023: a bumper year for CLO funds
    It looks like 2023 will finish as a solid year for most credit funds, and an outstanding one for CLO funds. But funds pursuing corporate distressed strategies continued to struggle

    9 months ago
  • You seem familiar
    The overlap between European CLOs has risen to 51.6%, but the largest issuers are only slightly more aligned to their peers at 55.19% — so bonds are proving to be an important differentiator

    2 years ago
  • An alternative way of looking at CLO overlap
    Analysing CLO collateral to look for overlap is critical for any CLO investor, but it is normally done either within a portfolio of CLOs or by bilaterally comparing two managers. In one of its latest research pieces, Moody’s Analytics has taken a different approach

    3 years ago
  • Leading fund: Lupus Alpha CLO Opportunity Notes I
    Single-B CLO trades boost Lupus Alpha asset Management

    7 years ago

4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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