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  • Fund performance: Credit funds post double-digit gains
    June returns have once again been led by CLO funds, as seven out of the top 10 belong to our CLOs category.

    4 years ago
  • Ucits at a glance: Ucits recover lost ground
    The foot has come off the gas for many funds - 57% of funds did not break the 2% return barrier.

    4 years ago
  • Credit traders' kickstand: rolling with the pain, as relative value trades come unstuck
    What a difference a month - and a pandemic - make. This time in February, no-one could have imagined a global financial crisis would be unfolding, that credit performance would be a battle between a virus and some of the biggest government and central bank interventions on record, that today's iTraxx Europe and CDX index rolls would traverse unprecedented ranges, that option expiry strikes would be blown beyond recognition, or that cash and CDS differentials would be whipsawing with such violence

    4 years ago

3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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