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5 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Credit Rendezvous: Investors try to avoid suplex city as recession and inflation reform tag-team
    Credit investors getting ready to lock up against that familiar 1970s pairing of inflation and recession. But the hard-hitting tag team has picked up some new moves, causing floating rate outperformance to give way to underperformance; synthetic credit to outperform cash; and CLO terms curves to reshape into barely recognisable positions

    2 years ago
  • Loans will be winners in bearish year for credit: BNP Paribas
    Floating rate loans are best positioned for a year of widening credit spreads, but high yield bonds will outperform investment grade and EM credit is set for losses, says BNP Paribas in its 2022 outlook

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: Credit spins full circle
    The third quarter was massive in terms of volumes with CLOs, high yield, leverage loans and private equity registering record issuance. But credit spreads were up and down as inflation fears, crackdowns in China and rising coronavirus cases became catalysts for risk-off sentiment in July and September

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: sometimes you have to dive deep to find value
    Some parts of the credit market are fraught with danger, but that does not mean portfolio managers are avoiding them entirely, according to the Credit Rendezvous, Creditflux's 10-page quarterly report eaturing comments from 15 credit experts

    3 years ago
  • Ucits at a glance: Ucits funds march on and erase Q1 losses
    95% of Ucits credit funds listed with Creditflux posted positive returns in June to keep up the momentum from May when all but one fund was in positive territory

    4 years ago

5 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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