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  • Credit investors find bright spots in gloomy outlook: Credit Rendezvous Q4 2022
    Clouds are looming over financial markets as the fourth quarter begins — so investors are moving away from diversified approaches in favour of tailored investments and relative value plays

    1 year ago
  • Euro loans with FX hedging offer better value than US: Barclays
    The big underperformance of European loans in June has left them looking cheap versus those in the US – but FX hedging and a nuanced selection process are advisable for investors looking to take advantage of that

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: Pass masters
    Most often, a credit market downturn has its roots mired in one big, blatant obstacle that credit managers have to focus their attention to overcome. But right now, it’s not the dominant risk factor that has to be defeated, it’s the sheer number of them...

    2 years ago
  • High yield / loan slowdown affects year-end projections and pricing: Barclays
    A sharp decline in primary market activity means expectations for high yield bond and even leveraged loan issuance need to be lowered, say Barclays credit strategists. And that in turn has implications for relative value

    2 years ago
  • Loans will be winners in bearish year for credit: BNP Paribas
    Floating rate loans are best positioned for a year of widening credit spreads, but high yield bonds will outperform investment grade and EM credit is set for losses, says BNP Paribas in its 2022 outlook

    2 years ago
  • There's still time to pick up pennies in credit before steamroller arrives: BNP Paribas
    Declining dealer inventories, rising fund cash balances, and a greater prevalence of hedging have added up to produce a credit market that is positioned too short, according to BNP Paribas strategists

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: And breathe...
    The unanimous verdict is that credit spreads will be moving wider – they have to. But the difficulty credit fund managers face is predicting when the next sell-off comes and how sharp it will be. In the Q3 instalment of Creditflux’s Credit Rendezvous, the over-riding message from portfolio managers is that there’s little point in taking on too much risk. The report features the views of prominent credit figures including Paul Horvath (Orchard), Himani Trivedi (Nuveen), Ronnie Jaber (Onex), Graham Rainbow (Alcentra) and Michelle Russell-Dowe (Schroders). The report looks at 14 segments of the market including CLOs, direct lending, leveraged loans, distressed debt and credit derivatives.  

    3 years ago
  • US and Europe diverge as loan trading bands emerge on the continent
    Europe and the US are on different courses with credit indices having drifted apart over the past month, say trading sources. Europe is expected to suffer fewer defaults to the extent that "it’s getting quite difficult for borrowers to default”, as one source put it. But the US has "higher growth potential due to its more dynamic economy"

    4 years ago
  • Distressed loans get IHS Markit workover as tech service aims to cut settlement times
    IHS Markit is unveiling an electronic solution through its ClearPar platform aimed at simplifying trade settlement for distressed leveraged loans, an area that has greatly lagged efficiency in the par loans market    

    4 years ago
  • Net short language could force lenders to sell at a loss
    Signs are growing that ‘net short’ provisions in bonds and loans are getting closer to hitting CDS investors, with two instances in recent weeks of the language expanding both in geographical and functional remit.

    5 years ago

10 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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