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11 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • An alternative way of looking at CLO overlap
    Analysing CLO collateral to look for overlap is critical for any CLO investor, but it is normally done either within a portfolio of CLOs or by bilaterally comparing two managers. In one of its latest research pieces, Moody’s Analytics has taken a different approach

    3 years ago
  • All’s well that ends well in 2020 OC tests
    Swathes of CLOs failed over-collateralisation tests last year, but unlike the drawn-out recovery following the 2008 financial crisis, the return to compliance after the covid-19 crash was rapid 

    3 years ago
  • Credit funds at a glance

    A round-up of fundraising and people moves in credit

    4 years ago
  • Making arb work of it

    In 2019, some CLO managers hoped that good timing would enable them to lock in favourable arbitrage levels, but others opted for aggressive or conservative tactics when building portfolios

    4 years ago
  • Credit funds at a glance

    A round-up of fundraising and people moves in credit

    4 years ago
  • Two roads diverged in the CLO wood

    In Europe, the third quarter was all twists and turns: volumes hit €11.9 billion, the ECB cut rates and CLO triple A spreads tightened 14bp in three deals. In the US, the path was more straightforward

    4 years ago
  • Any takers for illiquid European CLO equity?
    The investor base for European CLO equity is far smaller than for US CLO equity. But for those with the mandate, and willing to stomach the illiquidity, valuations have been strong this year.

    4 years ago
  • CLOs at a glance
    A round-up of CLO performance

    5 years ago
  • Credit funds at a glance

    A round-up of fundraising and people moves in credit

    5 years ago
  • Fund performance

    A round-up of fund performance

    5 years ago
  • Boutique CLO managers boss secondary market
    Creditflux analysis shows that, when their total assets are taken into account, small managers' CLOs are more liquid than those of large managers 

    7 years ago

11 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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