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3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Major fund withdrawals undermine credit momentum
    Credit funds are extending their run of inflows into the end of the year, but investment grade momentum took a dent last week due to investors in one big fund pulling their money

    1 year ago
  • Go long duration in consumers and industrials: BofA
    The year’s wides still lie ahead in the second half, but China reopening is bullish for consumer and industrial spreads and investors should extend duration in high-quality credit, according to Bank of America strategists

    2 years ago
  • Market jitters mount as US delivers May CPI
    Credit spreads have moved sharply wider for the fourth day straight as investors digested the European Central Bank’s hawkish turn and watched with trepidation for the US to reveal its May consumer price index numbers

    2 years ago

3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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