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  • I’ll see your 2020 and raise you 2021
    Discounted loans, Libor floors and bond flexibility helped make 2021 an even better year for CLO returns than 2020, as US CLOs distributed 15.54% and European CLOs paid 13.93% annualised

    2 years ago
  • An alternative way of looking at CLO overlap
    Analysing CLO collateral to look for overlap is critical for any CLO investor, but it is normally done either within a portfolio of CLOs or by bilaterally comparing two managers. In one of its latest research pieces, Moody’s Analytics has taken a different approach

    3 years ago
  • CSAM sees sun after nine years in shade

    Credit Suisse Asset Management has become the leading CLO manager by assets under management globally after finally topping perennial leader GSO Capital Partners. However, CSAM's lead is the size of just one CLO

    4 years ago
  • Issuers fashion new outfits for junior mezz

    Junior CLO tranches have lost around five points in the past quarter. In response, new issue desks are dressing up junior debt in two piece suits and designing a range of protective styles

    4 years ago
  • The ideal home for a loan

    European corporate loans can fit into various fund types and this year there has been an increase in managed accounts targeting these assets. But CLOs are still the best structures to house loans

    4 years ago
  • Market rallies as key CLO investor retreats

    A key CLO triple A investor dropped back from the market in the second quarter of 2019, but, remarkably, CLO spreads tightened as repricings came back and other investors drove demand

    5 years ago
  • Budge up, more new managers are coming

    Room for 10 more? The average loan overlap among recent European CLOs is 48.7% – so the expected influx of new managers will have to work hard to distinguish themselves from the pack 

    5 years ago
  • Keep calm and buy corporate loans
    Calm heads prevailed in 2018. Markets were volatile and risk retention was supposed to cause problems, but there was no need to panic and volumes went on to break records set in 2014

    5 years ago
  • The financial crisis was the making of ’em
    Some of the largest and best performing CLO managers before the crisis were fairly nimble by today’s standards — but these 1.0 outperformers are now among the biggest names in the industry

    5 years ago
  • Not a bad time to try your hand at CLOs

    In a busy second quarter, CSAM nudged ahead of Carlyle, CLO spreads moved wider for the first time in months, and a posse of established credit managers made the grade in US CLOs

    6 years ago
  • CLO boom encourages new ideas
    Volumes are up, spreads are down and risk retention is a doddle. That must mean it’s time to push the boat out and innovate

    7 years ago

11 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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