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90 results found Showing page 2 of 4

  • Ukraine crisis takes EU and Russian markets into new territory
    Credit spreads went back to the wides again on Monday, after the European Union intensified its pressure on the Russian economy and reached an unprecedented agreement to supply Ukraine with weapons

    2 years ago
  • French co rattles investors on micro level as Russia overclouds macro
    After a cautious opening, investors in the European credit market have resumed hedging as western leaders continue to talk up the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine and the Kremlin has dismissed hopes of a Biden-Putin summit as premature

    2 years ago
  • Heavy market rout takes credit back to November 2020 levels
    High volatility is gripping financial markets at the end of a week that has been decisively bearish for credit spreads, as concerns about the end of central bank stimulus and warnings of a Russian invasion of Ukraine next month layer on pain for investors

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: the upside of inflation
    It is clear, inflation is not transitory and central banks are acting with several interest rate hikes likely in store for the US this year. That makes loans and CLO debt tranches attractive, but there could be opportunities beyond these floating rate assets

    2 years ago
  • See what's next: Netflix gives whole market a chill
    Financial markets look set to end the week once again on a bearish trajectory, with fears over consumer confidence and company earnings helping take credit spreads back to their widest levels since the start of December

    2 years ago
  • Caution returns to credit trading following tech sector rout
    After a strong Tuesday session, financial markets are taking a more cautious step back on Wednesday amid returning inflation concerns and following a weak session for Chinese tech stocks

    2 years ago
  • Credit Fundraising: mega funds contribute to record-breaking month as volume hits $39bn
    The sheer size of the funds raised in November more than compensated for a drop in the number of funds raised as fundraising volume in credit reached $38.9 billion. This beat September by $2.4 billion to make it the most productive month of credit fundraising in 2021

    2 years ago
  • Traders hunt for Monday bargains in Black Friday debris
    The turmoil of Black Friday has given way to a counter-wise move on Monday, with financial markets latching onto scraps of hope over the weekend following the panic of a newly discovered covid-19 variant

    2 years ago
  • US travel, energy and retail credits take big hit as variant rout extends
    The widening trend in credit is extending as the weekend approaches, with US spreads picking up the baton from Europe's earlier surge

    2 years ago
  • Real estate relief boosts high yield but retail rout gathers pace
    A mixed week for credit has taken German real estate company Adler back to safer levels while sending two supermarket retailers further into the realms of most risky in the iTraxx Crossover universe

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: Credit spins full circle
    The third quarter was massive in terms of volumes with CLOs, high yield, leverage loans and private equity registering record issuance. But credit spreads were up and down as inflation fears, crackdowns in China and rising coronavirus cases became catalysts for risk-off sentiment in July and September

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: And breathe...
    The unanimous verdict is that credit spreads will be moving wider – they have to. But the difficulty credit fund managers face is predicting when the next sell-off comes and how sharp it will be. In the Q3 instalment of Creditflux’s Credit Rendezvous, the over-riding message from portfolio managers is that there’s little point in taking on too much risk. The report features the views of prominent credit figures including Paul Horvath (Orchard), Himani Trivedi (Nuveen), Ronnie Jaber (Onex), Graham Rainbow (Alcentra) and Michelle Russell-Dowe (Schroders). The report looks at 14 segments of the market including CLOs, direct lending, leveraged loans, distressed debt and credit derivatives.  

    3 years ago
  • Credit hedge funds (June 2021)
    Credit hedge fund returns

    3 years ago
  • Credit hedge funds (May 2021)
    Credit hedge fund returns

    3 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: ready and waiting
    In Creditflux's quarterly review of credit, portfolio managers tell us that Inflation is likely to nudge higher but they are optimistic because dispersion will pick up and windows of volatility will emerge, rather than elongated phases of stress 

    3 years ago
  • Credit hedge funds (April 2021)
    Monthly credit hedge fund tables

    3 years ago
  • Roll pushes indices wider but fair value trumps technical positioning
    Several CDS indices rolled into new series on Monday, with all of them adding spread over the outgoing versions due to added duration as well as composition changes

    3 years ago
  • Credit funds at a glance (March 2021)
    A round-up of fundraising and people moves

    3 years ago
  • Credit hedge funds (March 2021)
    Monthly credit hedge fund tables

    3 years ago
  • Credit funds at a glance (February 2021)
    A round-up of fundraising and people moves

    3 years ago
  • Credit hedge funds (February 2021)
    Monthly credit hedge fund tables

    3 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: heading for homes
    Fund managers in structured credit, real assets and distressed are bullish on the prospects for residential housing in 2021. Elsewhere, niche royalty-based strategies are in favour and although a CLO repricing wave is expected, it may not be easy to execute resets. For more, read our 13-page quarterly report on credit. 

    3 years ago
  • Credit funds at a glance (January 2021)
    A round-up of fundraising and people moves

    3 years ago
  • Wide-end names gain ground as market hits impasse
    Financial markets appear to have a hit resistance points in several asset classes today, with credit, stocks and oil prices struggling to find traction despite encouraging signals from the UK on rolling out the Pfizer/BioNTech covid vaccine

    3 years ago
  • Spread compression resumes with US passing key milestones
    Credit markets have resumed their crunch tighter today, with an absence of any obviously negative brakes to offset strengthening Asian industrial numbers and applications by vaccine makers for emergency approval in the US and Europe

    3 years ago

90 results found Showing page 2 of 4

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