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  • Fund performance: Wake us up when September ends
    After a resurgent August, credit markets hit a rough patch in September, with every Creditflux index posting negative returns, and only 12.9% of funds in our listings showing a positive return.

    1 year ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: record fiscal stimulus provides pick-me-up
    Credit markets had a mini bounce-back in the second quarter as central banks poured cash into the economy. But there is great uncertainty about the effects of a second wave of coronavirus. As part of our quarterly report on credit - the Credit Rendezvous - Creditflux spoke to experts across 12 segments of the credit market

    4 years ago
  • It’s going to be a credit picker’s market
    Our panel of experts believe that the credit market will be volatile this year, but there will be opportunities in European credit and additional tier one bonds, trups CDOs and unitranches

    5 years ago

3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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