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7 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Credit Rendezvous: the upside of inflation
    It is clear, inflation is not transitory and central banks are acting with several interest rate hikes likely in store for the US this year. That makes loans and CLO debt tranches attractive, but there could be opportunities beyond these floating rate assets

    2 years ago
  • Credit funds at a glance (January 2022)
    A round up of fundraising and people moves in credit

    2 years ago
  • BlueBay launches Article 8 multi-asset credit fund with Lloyds of London backing
    The Article 8 fund will invest in high yield, bank loans, financial capital bonds, structured credit, convertible bonds, emerging markets and developed market investment grade

    2 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: ready and waiting
    In Creditflux's quarterly review of credit, portfolio managers tell us that Inflation is likely to nudge higher but they are optimistic because dispersion will pick up and windows of volatility will emerge, rather than elongated phases of stress 

    3 years ago
  • Credit Rendezvous: heading for homes
    Fund managers in structured credit, real assets and distressed are bullish on the prospects for residential housing in 2021. Elsewhere, niche royalty-based strategies are in favour and although a CLO repricing wave is expected, it may not be easy to execute resets. For more, read our 13-page quarterly report on credit. 

    3 years ago
  • BlueBay launches global leveraged finance fund
    BlueBay Asset Management has launched a global leveraged finance fund that is able to allocate towards high yield bonds, leveraged loans, structured credit and investment grade assets

    5 years ago
  • Destra and BlueBay team up to launch credit interval fund
    Destra has become the latest manager to launch an interval fund - Destra International & Event-Driven Credit Fund - which will focus on two strategies: multi-strategy international credit  and event driven credit. 

    6 years ago

7 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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