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4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Fund performance: Structured finance finds its footing with credit rally
    For the first time this year we have seen a structured finance fund take the top spot, as Serone Key Opportunities Fund leads a multitude of other funds in this category in the top 10 of our monthly fund rankings

    3 years ago
  • Ucits at a glance: Five funds lift YTD returns above 5%
    Five funds have managed to pull their year to date figures above 5%; Loomis Sayles (7.50%), Algebris (5.82%), Pictet (5.53%), Amundi (5.36%) and Advent (5.11%)

    4 years ago
  • Fund performance: CLO tranches move up
    April returns managed a partial bounce back after a tumultuous March. 82% of funds listed in the Creditflux database made positive returns, showing at least small signs of recovery after 90% of all funds listed posted negative returns in March

    4 years ago
  • US credit leads surge tighter on Fed package to close gap with Europe
    What was already a much more positive week for credit has ended with a massive jump-start, as the US Federal Reserve unveiled a $2.3 trillion relief package targeting small businesses and municipalities but with additional support for bigger companies, including 'fallen angel' household names

    4 years ago

4 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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