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3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • PE firm Nile buys minority stake in Prytania AM
    Nile Capital Group has bought a minority stake in a structured credit specialist 

    1 year ago
  • Liquidations emerge as speed bump to $1 trillion CLO market
    CLOs are now a $1 trillion global industry, but liquidations are picking up and could hamper growth — as well as providing welcome relief to an engine that’s running somewhat hot. CLOs are now a $1 trillion global industry, but liquidations are picking up and could hamper growth — as well as providing welcome relief to an engine that’s running somewhat hot.

    3 years ago
  • Diverse Prytania fund posts promising 2017 gains
    Prytania Investment Advisors has got off to a strong start in 2017 with the manager’s Athena Fund gaining 8.4% through February

    7 years ago

3 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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