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6 results found Showing page 1 of 1

  • Super-sized reset of US BSL CLO for Benefit Street
    Benefit Street Partners has priced a reset of a US BSL CLO that more than doubled the size of the initial deal

    4 days ago
  • Mid market CLO triple A spreads at 255bp after AB prices
    AllianceBernstein priced a new middle market CLO named ABPCI Direct Lending Fund CLO XII on Wednesday, with the deal's triple A notes scoring a Sofr plus 255 basis point print

    1 year ago
  • Global CLO trading lab: bank sells $834 million triple As in quarterly reallocation as hedge fund trades CLO equity
    Thursday’s secondary CLO market was the busiest of 2021, with over $1 billion of US CLOs on offer. This featured an enormous b-wic worth $834.3 million, where sources have told Creditflux of the bank behind the aucton. While a large credit hedge fund is said to have sold out of control CLO equity 

    2 years ago
  • Global b-wic round-up: Europe drifts wider
    The CLO secondary market had a robust week with $860 million of US CLO paper and €315 million worth of European CLO bonds listed. But spreads widened off the back of concerns over lockdowns across the globe, the increased risk of downgrades and tomorrow’s US presidential election

    3 years ago
  • US CLO round-up: Fed up of waiting
    The US CLO market made a bright start this year, but 2019 now lags 2018 and 2017 after a weak August checked its momentum. This has left some pinning their hopes on a favourable outcome to the US Federal Reserve meeting this week, amid political overtures to up its game in the wake of the European Central Bank's stimulus package

    5 years ago
  • World’s largest CLO restructures by adding junior debt
    The world’s largest corporate loan CLO has been restructured with junior debt tranches being incorporated into the capital structure

    5 years ago

6 results found Showing page 1 of 1

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