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54 results found Showing page 2 of 3

  • You seem familiar
    The overlap between European CLOs has risen to 51.6%, but the largest issuers are only slightly more aligned to their peers at 55.19% — so bonds are proving to be an important differentiator

    2 years ago
  • We’re drifting apart
    Everyone’s issuing US CLOs these days and it is tempting to believe the crowd of managers is blending into one. However, overall portfolio overlap has dropped to 37.7% across 2021 CLOs  

    2 years ago
  • Arb work pays off
    With day-one arbitrage alone delivering projected CLO cash-on-cash returns of 20-25%, 2021 may have been the best year ever for equity investors — at least until CLO spreads began to widen  

    2 years ago
  • HY fund is exception to rule of CLOs
    CLO funds have had back-to-back years of outperformance versus credit, proving the asset class is a great place to invest, rain or shine. But a Wasserstein HY fund was the star performer in 2021  

    2 years ago
  • I’ll see your 2020 and raise you 2021
    Discounted loans, Libor floors and bond flexibility helped make 2021 an even better year for CLO returns than 2020, as US CLOs distributed 15.54% and European CLOs paid 13.93% annualised

    2 years ago
  • CLO managers show respect to their elders
    Alongside lucrative new issues, managers also make time for refinancing and resetting old deals. Our data shows that, in 2021, mid-sized firms were the most effective at this balancing act

    2 years ago
  • These CLO docs could be better
    It seems there’s not much to worry about if you’re in the CLO market. In Creditflux’s CLO Census, voters said docs should follow a template as Jefferies, AGL and Hayfin emerge as rising stars

    2 years ago
  • Refi deluge casts shadow on b-wics

    Refis and resets are cutting CLO lifespans short, which means there is less need to sell in the secondary market. Still, there are relative value opportunities in IG bonds and equity tranches

    2 years ago
  • Still plenty more fish in the triple C

    US CLO triple C buckets are lighter than a year ago thanks to the wave of loan upgrades from Moody’s and S&P. But 48% of downgraded paper is yet to return to a coveted single B rating

    2 years ago
  • CLO wormhole opens as deal pricing blurs
    The CLO prints you see today might have happened a month ago. No, we’re not travelling back in time. Instead, a trend toward locking in senior notes a month early is skewing market pricing

    3 years ago
  • Coronavirus tiers up old ranking script
    Forget everything you thought you knew about CLO manager tiers. Apollo and Blackstone are mainstays, but smaller, more nimble issuers are finding new ways to stand out from the crowd

    3 years ago
  • Woah, we’re halfway there
    Judging by the 2020 vintage, European CLO overlap is 50%. But varied approaches to holding bonds and the many loans managers turn down mean there are ways for issuers to outperform

    3 years ago
  • CLOs come up smelling of roses
    The coronavirus crisis could have cut back 10 years of CLO market progress, but investors’ foresight, trading chops and flexibility meant many saw their strategies blossom during 2020  

    3 years ago
  • Moving fast pays off for hedge funds
    2020 was an up and down year in credit, and credit hedge fund managers had to move quickly to capture opportunities from the dislocations that inevitably opened up

    3 years ago
  • Waiting for afters
    Day one arb remains important, but last year there were opportunities aplenty in the secondary market, which put the onus on printing CLOs and waiting for the day after non-call periods expired

    3 years ago
  • We were battered in 2020 — but we weren’t beaten
    The CLO industry has survived a year blighted by covid-19. We talk to portfolio managers about the strengths of CLOs and preparations for what was expected to be a ‘cataclysmic’ recession

    3 years ago
  • Still weighed down by 2015 oil price slump
    It’s three years since the depths of the oil crisis but offshore service companies — such as the helicopter businesses that transport workers to oil rigs — are not seeing lift-off in prices or profits

    5 years ago
  • Rolling the dice on Turkey and Italy
    Gambling specialists with operations around the Mediterranean are facing political risks and currency falls – but there are opportunities to hit the jackpot if investors play their cards right

    6 years ago
  • Steelmakers forge links in face of overcapacity

    Steel producers are the strongest they have been for many years and consolidations such as Thyssenkrupp Tata Steel should lead to savings, but surplus capacity remains an issue

    6 years ago
  • Which flavour do you favour?
    We asked four direct lenders for their opinions on four fictional European borrowers operating in software, food, consumer loans and retail – and found they had similar tastes.

    6 years ago
  • Payday: Investors go for broke on regulatory bet
    New regulations could seriously hamper US payday lenders – but bond holders are betting the rules won’t be enacted

    6 years ago
  • Spotlight: Satellite operators - sending signals of distress
    Satellite operators are trying to transmit optimistic messages – but they admit that prices for data services are falling

    7 years ago
  • US fashion stores: queueing up to exchange old debt
    Fashionably loose covenants are allowing under-pressure retailers to turn expensive unsecured debt into senior notes

    7 years ago
  • Heavy equipment suppliers: slowly crawling out of the mud
    There are tentative signs that heavy equipment manufacturers are finally pulling themselves out of the mire

    7 years ago
  • Container shipping: Struggling to stay afloat
    Debt and overcapacity mean container shippers must consolidate fast to avoid further wrecks

    7 years ago

54 results found Showing page 2 of 3

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